








  1962年生,  ,籍贯重庆。



1981 西藏记忆系列(泥刻版画)/四川美院主办
1996罗马个人展/ Gallera Sagittaro 2画廊举办/凡蒂冈博物馆/波罗尼亚文化协会赞助,作品被大英博物馆收藏
2007 个人画展/德国99画廊
2010 “来自中国的前卫-与曼祖对话”/ 意大利Aprilia市政府主办
2010  “当代情境中的水墨观照/皇冠新体育app主办
2011  “来自中国的新前卫”/中国美术馆、意大利拉齐奥大区文化艺术体育部、葡萄牙驻意大利大使馆、葡萄牙学院、罗马艺术皇冠新体育app主办
2012 水墨方向/上海喜玛拉雅美术馆主办。


1981 四川美院进京油画/北京

1981 四川中国画展/成都

1983 四川版画展/成都
1985 中国首届水粉、水彩画展/北京﹑杭州

1985 首届四川美院教师自选作品展

1990 四川美院作品展/香港
1995-2006 开始策划、创作长江万里综合媒体艺术作品,包括百余米长卷线描、综合绘画、文案、摄影摄像、实物装置(部分与宋钢合作)
1995  第六届全国冰心图书奖/北京
1997  《国画家》杂志邀请展/天津﹑郑州
1998  中国首届国际卡通博览会十大优秀读物奖/北京
1990-2009 七、九、十、十一届全国美展
1999  第一届热那亚双年展, Villa Croce当代艺术博物馆/热那亚/意大利
2004  “彼.此画展/中法文化交流年项目/图卢兹/重庆
2004 北京、上海、天津、重庆直辖市名家邀请展/北京、上海、天津、重庆
2007  中国现代艺术1989-2007/ Villa Croce当代博物馆/热那亚/意大利
2008  吴松师生(研究生)作品展/四川美院主办
2008  23届亚洲国际美术展/广州皇冠新体育app城美术馆
2012  第四届广州三年展项目展第一回:中国当代艺术作品展/广东省美术馆
2012  中法文化交流年项目:长江”5人联展/法国驻成都总领事馆、成都当代美术馆、法国对外文化教育局
2012  宋钢、吴松水墨鉴赏展/意大利众议院主办/意大利银行协会总部 Palazzo Altieri.Roma宫)
2013  55届威尼斯双年展平行展—1979年以来的中国当代艺术/威尼斯
2013  “远与近国际邀请展(中国/巴西/古巴/意大利9人)/意大利文化部/Ducale国家当代艺术博物馆/Maierà 市主办
2013 PETITS BIJOUX 当代艺术小幅作品及创作草图展/罗马巴比伦现当代艺术画廊
2014  中国艺术在巴西/巴西文化部、巴西G11艺术家协会/巴西圣保罗OCA
2014  中欧之间/艺术在生活中/上海宝山国际民博馆、罗马葡萄牙学院/罗马

2014 中欧之间/艺术在生活中/罗马巴比伦现当代艺术画廊
2014  “成渝影响-美术作品学术交流展展”/重庆美术馆、成都美术馆

2015 +墨:人物画的发展/上海宝山国际民博馆


2016 瞬见-来自四川的中国当代艺术/德国99画廊

2017 时代质感-皇冠新体育app作品展/中国美术馆、四川美院

2017 流动的时光-来自中国的新媒体艺术展/意大利文化部、罗马市文化局、皇冠新体育app、中欧文化协会等

2018 巴渝风·2018重庆中国画作品展/中国美协、中国国家画院、重庆美术馆等


1990-2009 第七、九、十、十一届全国美展四川、重庆(直辖后)优秀奖

1995 重庆市文学艺术奖-巴渝文艺奖/重庆市人民政府











7.  专著《国际艺术品交易-规则权益技巧》重庆出版社,1999


文章40余篇在《国画家》、《美术报》、《江苏画刊》、《荣宝斋》、《当代美术家》、《画刊》、《美术焦点》、《今日美术》、《艺术家》、《艺术教育》、《清华美术》、台湾艺术皇冠新体育app《书画艺术学刊》、意大利《LA FIERA LETTERARIA》(《文学博览》)等重要的专业刊物发表


国际语境下中国水墨与当代艺术的实验教学当代美术家2014, 91 (4):84-86



艺术的解释.画刊,2009 (10):76-81

当代艺术所面临的问题.画刊,2009 (9):57-59  





国际情景中的中国当代艺术、艺术批评及策展之境遇——对阿克力·伯力托·奥力瓦“漂泊”理念的解读.清华美术, 2008,7:84-87

宋钢,吴松.艺术结构的转变——策展与操作的文化学意义兼述中国策展人的国际境遇.今日美术, 2008(1):20-25


关于艺术教育的比较与艺术创造——与阿菲奥·蒙哥利尼的对话.当代美术家2007,49(4): 65-66.





宋钢,吴松.回顾历史,现代艺术的终结[J].荣宝斋,2003, 23(4)76-85




素描人体写生 ,风景写生 ,中国传统水墨写意画 ,中国传统工笔人物画 ,中国传统线描, 构图,插图,毕业创作。


彩墨人体写生 2011年“彩墨人体写生”获重庆市首批研究生教育优质课程/重庆市教委,外出写生。


2008 当代艺术教学:跨越画种、跨越学科-四川美院、广州美院研究生教育论坛

2008 批评理论与批评实践:跨国之后-芝加哥艺术学院教授詹姆森·埃尔金斯与皇冠新体育app美术学系研究生的演讲与对话

2009 威尔士·艺术·世界/威尔士艺术家Iwan Bala/英国驻重庆总领事馆文化教育处、四川美院研究生处

2010 中国佛教美术/深圳雕塑艺术院院长、中国雕塑艺术学会副会长孙振华讲座/皇冠新体育app

2012 为什么艺术不能教/芝加哥艺术学院教授詹姆森·埃尔金斯讲座/皇冠新体育app


2012 中国画作品选讲/新加坡文化部Old Parliament House

2014 水墨:在当下的情景中/中欧之间-艺术在生活中论坛/意大利罗马葡萄牙学院

2015 当代水墨/当代水墨人物画与中国艺术史的发展论坛/上海宝山国际民博馆、上海美术学院

2015 宋钢的水墨/1980年代以来的中国当代水墨论坛/上海宝山国际民博馆、上海美术学院

2015 当代艺术与四川美院自选作品展览的历史/重庆人民广播电台文艺广播直播谈话节目

2016 谈谈中国的当代艺术/重庆人民广播电台文艺广播直播谈话节目CHONGQING HAPPY RADIO

2017 城市文化与学院涵养/重庆人民广播电台文艺广播直播谈话节目











Wu Song, born in 1962, Chongqing, China. Working and living in Chongqing, China.

Graduated from Painting Dept. of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute (SFAI) and China Academy of Fine Arts (CAA).Professor of SFAI since 2000. The deputy dean of adult education institute and arts vocational institute in 1999. Dean of Graduate School of SFAI form 2005-2012. Expert of Higher Professional & College Education Evaluation Committee of Chinese Education Ministry.Member of the colleges and universities in Chongqing set up review committee 2002-2006.The managing director of degree and postgraduate education in Chongqing2004-2014. Professor of the Wu Song Ink Comprehensive Painting Studio Professor of SCFAI.

Solo Exhibitions

2012 Chinese Ink Painting: Change and Growth IV/ Himalayas Art Museum/Shanghai

2011 Nuove Avanguardie Cinesi / Doppia Ink Mostra Personale / National Art Museum of China / Regione Lazio Assessorato alla cultura Arte e Sport/Ambasciata del Portogallo in Italia/Istituto Portoghese di ’S Antonio in Roma/Rome University of Fine Art  

2010 Reflection on Water & Ink Painting under Contemporary Context / Sichuan Fine Arts Institute

2010    Avanguardie Cinesi alla“Manzū”di Aprilia Doppia ink mostra personale/ Con il Patrocinio del Comune di Aprilia

2007   99 Galerie, Germany

1996   Gallera Sagittaro 2, sponsored by Vatican Museum and Bolongna culture association, Artwork Autumn collected by British


1981   Memories of Tibet / printmaking on clay/ SFAI

Group Exhibitions

2017  Flowing Time-New Miedia Art From China/Italia’s Ministry of Culture/Roma Cultural Bureau/SCFAI/ Association Culture China European

2017  Texture of Time/ National Art Museum of China /Sichuan Fine Arts Insititute

2016  Sichuan Moment-Chinese contemporary art from Sichuan /99 Galerie, Germany

2015  Self-ElectedWay- Retrospective and Document of SCFAI Self-Elected works in 1985-1989/SCFAIChongqing MOCA

2015   Water &Ink: The Development of Chinese Figure Painting/Shanghai BIFAE

2014  “Chongqing and Chengdu-academic exchange exhibition”/Chongqing Art Museum/Chengdu Art Museum

2014  “Between China and Europe: Art in the Life” by Babylon Gallera in Roma

2014  “Between China and Europe: Art in the Life” by Instituto Portoghese di Sant’Antonio in Roma (IPSAR)Shanghai Baoshan International Folk Arts Exposition in Roma.

2014   “China Arte Brazil”Brazil’s Ministry of Culture and G11in OCA, Sao Paulo

2013   PETITS BIJOUX by Babylon Gallera in Roma

2013  Vicino/Lontano.Artisti da:Brasile,Cina,Cuba,Italia/Ministero Per I Beni E Le Attività Culturali/Palazzo Ducal Arte

      Contemporanea /Comune di Maierà

2013  55th Venice Biennale

2012  Art Exhibition of FESTIVAL CROISEMENTS 2012/Consulat général deFrance à ChengduChengdu MOCAInstitut Français/

      WuSongSongGangZeng Nine(France)Zhang XiaotaoPierre Coulibeufet (France)

2012  4th Guangzhou Triennial /Disenchantment of Chinese Imagination, Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition / Art Museum of

      Guangdong Province.

2012  SongGangWu Song Works/ Italia Camera dei deputati / Palazzo Altieri. Roma -A.B.I

2008  Figure Paintings: WU SONG and his Graduate Students (Figure Painting Course Analysis)/ SFAI

2008  The 23rd Asia International Art Exhibition China/Guangzhou University Town Art Museum.

2007  China Contemporary Art/ 1979—2007 Museum Arte Contemporanea Villa Croce / Genova, Italy

2007  The sketches of Excellent Artists in Sichuan Fine Arts Institute /Gallery of SFAI

2006  2ndArt and Science International Exhibition/Tsinghua University

2004   “Bi-Ci” (cultural exchange project of China-France Culture Year / Toulouse / Chongqing

2004   Invitation Exhibition of Excellent Chinese Paintings & Calligraphies of China Four Municipalities/Beijing Shanghai Tianjing Chongqing

2000 Chinese Blue Print-360C, Shanghai

1999 1st Genoa Asiart Biennal, Italy / Museum Arte Contemporanea Villa Croce, Genova, Italy

1990—2009 7th,9th, 10 th, 11 thnational art exhibition

1998   Top Ten Excellent Books For Children /China 1stInternational Cartoon Fair /Beijing

1997   Invitation Exhibition /sponsored by Traditional Chinese Painter (magazine ) /TianjinZhengzhou

1997   Honored Chongqing Excellent Artist by Chongqing Government

1995-06 Ten Thousand Miles of Yangtse River/ multi-medium works, including 130 meters’ sketcheswith Song Gang, paintings on

       canvas, texts, photographs, videos and installations.

1995  Awarded Art& Literature Award by Chongqing Government

1995  Awarded 6th Bingxin Excellent Books for Children (illustration)/Beijing

1990   Works Exhibition of SFAI, HK
1986 3  thXin juxiang(New painting) Exhibition / Kunming yunnan provencen

1985   1stTeacher Self-Elected works of SCFAI /SCFAI

1985 1st National Gouache & Watercolor Exhibition / Beijing, Hangzhou

1983   Printmaking  Exhibition of Sichuan /Chengdu

1981  Oil painting Exhibition of SFAI, Beijing
1981  Traditional  Chinese paintingExhibition of Sichuan /Chengdu


Memories of Tibet / printmaking on clay” 198132 pieces. “Ink and Marks” 1986136x68cmx30 pieces.“Climb nakedly up the Manfei-long Pagoda, Yunnan, China, performance Art”, 1989 .“Ten Thousand Miles of Yangtse River” 1995-998 scrolls 13000x50cmwith Song Gang.“People and Landscape”,1997-2007150x100cmx60 pieces. “Body Diary Series”“Diary of Flowers and Birds Series ”1993-Today. “Landscape Today SeriesZero Order Status”2015.Published art corpus: “Document”.


Works have been collected by the British Museum1996 Galleria Sagittario 2.Roma 1996Associazione Roma-Beijing199999 Galerie in Germany 2007Istituto Portoghese di sant′Antonio in Roma2011Sichuan Tomorrow Art Management Co. Ltd. In China 2013other institutions and individuals.

Honors and Awards

Excellent Works Award, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th National Art Exhibition, Sichuan, Chongqing, 1990-2009

Top Ten Excellent Books for Children, China 1st International Cartoon Fair, Beijing, 1998

Chongqing Excellent Artist, Chongqing Government, 1997

"Autumn", Water and Ink Painting with color, collected by British Museum, 1996

The 6th Bingxin Award, Excellent Books for Children (Illustration), Beijing, 1995

Grand Prize of Abraham Lincoln for Art, Florence, Italy, 1995

Bayu Art & Literature Award, Chongqing Government, 1995

Prize of Republic Italy, Poland Art Gold Cup Domestic Exhibitions & Awards, Florence Italy, 1993

Publication & Others


Status: On Painting and Teaching, Jiangxi Fine Arts Publishing House, 2017

On-Site: Art Education and Creation Ecology, Jiangxi Fine Arts Publishing House, 2016

Mural Art, Chongqing University Press, 2016

Art Documents, Hebei Publishing House, 2009

The sons of the Yangtze River- Selected Works of Song Wu and Gang Song, Chongqing

Publishing House, 2001


Journal Articles

“Mixed media: Practices and teaching.” Art Education, 12 (2014), 210-211.

“Chinese water-Ink painting and teaching experiments in international context.”

Contemporary Artist, 91:4 (2014), 84-86

“Art and spirit of liberalism.” The Artist, 2(2014), 20-29

“Trial and error, boundary, value Discovery.” Contemporary Artist, 66:3(2010), 90-93

“The interpretation of art.” Contemporary Artist, 10(2009), 76-81

“The problems of contemporary art.” Art Monthly, 9(2009), 57-59

“Made in China’ and ‘Made in the world’ - Talk to Achille Bontto Oliva.”

Art Monthly, 4 (2007), 23-26

“Water and ink body painting curriculum.” Art Journal of Painting and Calligraphy, Taiwan, National Taiwan University of Arts, 5th volume (2008), 1-20

“Enlightenment of the Venice biennale model to China.” Art Monthly, 10 (2008),

“The origin of new art.” Art Monthly, 54:3 (2008), 80-81

“On Chinese contemporary art, critics and curators -Talk with Achille Bonitto OLiva.” Tsinghua Arts, Tsinghua University Press, 7th volume (2008), 84-87

“The transformation of art-The culturology of curating and international

circumstances of Chinese curators.” Art Today, 1 (2008), 20-25

“Basic orientation of art Education: ecology and growth.”Art Monthly, 10 (2007), 26-32

“Comparison on art education and creation - Talk with Alfio Mongelli.”

Contemporary Artist, 49:4 (2007), 65-66

Spatio-temporal culture voyage across the East and the West - Overview and interview of Italian National Museum of Oriental art.”

Contemporary Artist, 44:5 (2006), 59-61

Co-author Gang S. “Myth and reality II- A brief history of the Venice biennale.”Art Monthly,. 10 (2003), 2-5

Co-author Gang S. “Myth and reality I.” Art Monthly, 8(2003), 2-14

Co-author Gang S. “Review the history, the termination of modern art.”

Rong Bao Zhai, 23:4 (2003), 76-85

“Chinese traditional painting in cultural and historical context.” The Painter, 1 (1998 )



“Drawing,” 2000-2015

“Landscape Painting,” spring 2004, spring 2008

“Traditional Chinese Ink Painting,”2000-2018

“Chinese Traditional Meticulous Figure painting,” 1995-1999

“Chinese Traditional Line Drawing,” 1987-1994

“Composition”2014, 2015

“Illustration” 1997,1999

“Graduate work,” 2014-2017


“Color Ink Body Sketch,”2007-2011, 2018

“Field Trip” 2013-2017

Curator, Organizer, and Discussant:

Judge, Generating Ideas @Asia on the Edge 2012, Old Parliament House Limited of Culture Department, Singapore, 2012

Organizer of Professor James Elkins (SAIC) Talk, Why Art Cannot Be Taught, SCFAI, 2012

Organizer of President of Shenzhen Sculpture Academy Zhenhua Sun’s Talk, Chinese Buddhist Art, SCFAI, 2010

Organizer of Welsh artist Iwan Bala’s Talk, Wales, Art and the World, sponsored by British Consulate-General Chongqing Department for Education and Graduate School of SCFAI, 2009

Organizer, Contemporary Art Education: Across Genres, Across Disciplines-SCFAI & GAFA Graduate Education Forum, 2008  

Organizer of Professor James Elkins (SAIC)’ Talk: Art Criticism Theory and Practice, SCFAI, 2008

Curator of Exhibition, Reinterpretation of the Contemporary: Selected Works of Graduate Students from SCFAI and GAFA, 2008

Curator of Annual Exhibition of Graduate Students, SCFAI, 2005-2012

Invited Speaker

Urban Culture and Academic Cultivation, Chongqing people's radio broadcasting station talk show (live), 2017

Chinese Contemporary Art, Chongqing people's radio broadcasting station talk show (live), 2016

Chinese Contemporary Art and History of Self-selected works exhibition of SCFAI, Chongqing people's radio broadcasting station talk show (live), 2016

Water & Ink: SONG GANG , Chinese Contemporary Ink Painting Since 1980, Shanghai Baoshan International Folk Arts MuseumShanghai Academy of Fine Arts, 2015

Contemporary Ink Painting, Contemporary Figure Ink Painting and the Development of Chinese Art History, Shanghai Baoshan International Folk Arts MuseumShanghai Academy of Fine Arts,2015

Ink in Present, Between China and Europe: Art in the Life, Instituto Portoghese di Sant’Antonio in Roma (IPSAR), 2014

On Chinese Traditional Paintings, Old Parliament House Limited of Culture Department, Singapore, 2012


