皇冠新体育app外国留学生校外住宿须知Provisions of International Students Living off-campus
发布时间:2017-10-26   作者:   来源:    浏览:

1.入学一年以上,希望在校外住宿的外国留学生, 应事先告知留学生办公室并得到同意。

2.填写《外国留学生校外住宿登记表》一式两份, 并提交以下材料:

   a. 校外租房者提交《房屋租赁合同》、





4.校外住宿留学生如欲变更住址,需按以上规定重新办理手续, 并于24 小时内到所属派出所备案.


6. 校外住宿的外国留学生如联系方式变动,须及时告知国际交流与合作处管理教师,以便保持联系。







Provisions of International Students Living off-campus

1.  International students who have already studied for a year and want to live off-campus must inform and get approval from International Communication & Cooperation Office in advance.

2.  The international students must fill out “Form of International Students Living Off-campus” in duplicate with the following documents.

3. Submit a "Lease Contract", the relevant documents which register in the local police station, the lessor (owner) of the house property certificate or the photocopy of house purchasing and homeowner’s ID.

3.  Students are required to bring these documents to the local police station for accommodation registration within 5 days.

4.  The students who live off campus if change their addresses must redo all the procedure as #2 and #3 mentioned, and do registration at the local police station within 24 hours.

5.  International students who live off- campus should abide by the Chinese laws and regulations, respect Chinese customs and social ethics, and to enhance their safety awareness. Those who violate the Chinese law, the public security departments will be dealt with according to law.

6.  International students who live off-campus change their addresses or contact information must inform the International Communication & Cooperation Office in time in order that the relevant officers can contact with.



 International Communication & Cooperation Office

                               Sichuan Fine Arts Institute

                                   March 2009

